Interview to a fisherman at the Côte Bleue MPA, France (photo Eric Charbonnel)
marine protected areas; sustainable small scale fisheries; Mediterranean Sea; management
Federparchi (the Italian Federation of Parks and Nature Reserves), Italy
Paolo Guidetti, Patrice Francour

FRE 3729 ECOMERS. CNRS-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France;

FEDERPARCHI Europarc, Italy;

IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Spain;

WWF MedPO, Italy;

MedPan (Mediterranean Protected Areas Network), France;

Conisma (National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences), Italy;

WWF Adria, Croatia;

APAM (Association of the actors from the Var for a small coast fishing and sustainable maritime activities), France.

Overall funding 2,975,000.00€ (ECOMERS 863, 750 €)


November 1st 2016 – October 30th 2019

  • This is the follow-up of FishMPABlue, which identified a set of features (so called “regional-based governance toolkit”) that can allow marine protected areas (MPAs) to achieve conservation goals while at the same time delivering socio-economic benefits to small scale fisheries
  • The aim of FishMPABlue 2 is to test such toolkit (i.e. by implementing these features), on the field in 11 Pilot MPAs located in 6 Med countries (Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Greece), to assess and quantify its effectiveness in achieving expected results in terms of MPA ecological effectiveness, benefits delivered to small scale fisheries and social acceptance of management measures by stakeholders
  • After a consultative process engaging the relevant stakeholders (e.g. MPA managers, fishermen etc) to define the features of the toolkit to be implemented in each MPA, scientific monitoring will be carried out concerning ecological, economic and social aspects
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