Fishing governance in MPAs: potentialities for blue economy (FishMpaBlue)
Fishermen at work at the MPA of Torre Guaceto, Italy (Photo Paolo Guidetti)
Small harbor for fishing and leisure boats at Port-Cros MPA (Photo Patrice Francour)
marine protected areas; marine reserves; artisanal fisheries; management; blue economy
Federparchi, Italy
Patrice Francour (PI), Paolo Guidetti (co-PI)

FEDERPARCHI Europarc, Italy (Lead Partner);
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Spain;
WWF MedPO, Italy;
ECOMERS, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.

European Territorial Cooperation Programme MED-ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), EU ( – 470.000 € global budget; 123.000 € to ECOMERS.


July 1st 2014 – June 30th 2015

  • Marine Protected Areas proliferated in the Mediterranean Sea, producing significant ecological benefits and long-term impacts on local socio-economies. MPA creation, however, usually engenders the opposition of some categories of stake-holders, like artisanal fishermen. The project aims at analyzing the existing conflicts between MPAs and local fishermen in order to propose more sustainable governance models via balancing conservation and management of human activities, including fishing.
  • In order investigate this subject, our work will involve two main steps: 1) analyzing the existing experiences and best practices of artisanal fishing at MPAs; 2) envisaging new governance models for improving shared benefits between MPAs and artisanal fisheries.
  • The results of this study have the potential to improve the available scientific knowledge about the factors affecting the performance of local fisheries and the ecological responses to protection at Mediterranean MPAs.
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