Paolo Guidetti: born in Genoa (Italy) on May 31st 1969. Presently, Full Professor of Ecology at the University Côte d'Azur (UCA, Nice, France) and Director of the ECOSEAS laboratory (UMR 3729) - CNRS-UCA. Formerly (2007-2012), researcher in Zoology at the University of Salento (Italy). University degree 110/110 in Biological Sciences at the University of Genoa (Italy). Two-years (1996-1998) fellowship at ‘Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn’ (Naples, Italy). PhD in ‘Fundamental Ecology’ at the University of Lecce (Italy). Visiting scientist in 2003 and 2004 at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC San Diego, USA). Teaching courses on ‘Fish Ecology’, ‘Fishery Biology and Management’, and ‘Marine Conservation’ at the Universities of Genoa and Salento, and courses on ‘Ecology’, ‘Marine Biology and Ecology’, ‘Marine Ecology and Conservation’ at UCA. PI of more than 50 national and international projects on marine conservation, marine protected areas, fish ecology and small scale fisheries management. Author of 146 ISI papers published in international journals (including ‘Nature’ and 'Nature Sustainability').
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Paolo Guidetti - Full Professor
Marine Ecology, Conservation Ecology, Fish Ecology, Small Scale Fishery Management, Rocky Reefs, Seagrasses
Fish visual census, Marine Protected Areas, Small Scale Fisheries, Otoliths
+33 (0)492076865
+33 (0)492076849