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Bennett N.J., Di Franco A., Calò A., Nethery E., Niccolini F., Milazzo M., Guidetti P. 2019. Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness. Conservation Letters, 2009: e12640.

Bentahar Y., Draoui K., Hurel C., Ajouyed O., Khairoun S., Marmier N. 2019. Physico-chemical characterization and valorization of swelling and nonswelling Moroccan clays in basic dye removal from aqueous solutions. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 154: 80-88.

Cuadros A., Moranta J., Cardona L., Thiriet P., Francour P., Vidal E., Sintes J., Cheminée A. 2019. Juvenile fish in Cystoseira forests: influence of habitat complexity and depth on fish behaviour and assemblage composition. Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(2): 380-392.

Desiderà E., Guidetti P., Panzalis P., Navone A., Valentini-Poirrier C.A., Boissery P., Gervaise C., Di Iorio L. 2019. Acoustic fish communities: sound diversity of rocky habitats reflects fish species diversity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 608: 183-197.

Desiderà E., Magnani L., Navone A., Guidetti P., Mazzoldi C. 2019. First direct evidence of reproductive behaviour of the white grouper, Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817). Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(2): 326-330.

Di Franco A., Calò A., Sdiri K., Cattano C., Milazzo M., Guidetti P. 2019. Ocean acidification affects somatic and otolith growth relationship in fish: evidence from an in situ study. Biology Letters, 15: 20180662.

Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Albano P.G., Azzurro E., Cardoso A.C., Cebrian E., Deidun A., Edelist D., Francour  P., Jimenez C., Mačić M, Occhipinti-Ambrogi A., Rilov G., Sghaier Y.R. 2019. Management priorities for marine invasive species. Science of the Total Environment, 688: 976-982.

Giakoumi S., Pey A., Di Franco A., Francour P., Kizilkaya Z., Arda Y., Raybaud V., Guidetti P. 2018. Exploring the relationships between marine protected areas and invasive fish in the world's most invaded sea. Ecological Applications, 29(1): e01809.

Gonzalez-Moreno P., Lazzaro L., Vila M., Preda C., Adriaens T., Bacher S., Brundu G., Copp G.H., Essl F., Garcia-Berthou E., Katsanevakis S., Moen T.L., Lucy F.E., Nentwig W., Roy H.E., Srebaliene G., Talgo V., Vanderhoeven S., Andjelkovi A., Arba?iauskas K., Auger-Rozenberg M.A., Bae M.J., Bariche M., Boets P., Boieiro M., Borges P.A., Canning-Clode J., Cardigos F., Chartosia N., Cottier-Cook E.J., Crocetta F., D’hondt B., Foggi B., Follak S., Gallardo B., Gammelmo O., Giakoumi S., Giuliani C., Guillaume F., Šerić Jelaska L., Jeschke J.M., Jover M., Juarez-Escario A., Kalogirou S., Kočić A., Kytinou E., Laverty C., Lozano V., Maceda-Veiga A., Marchante E., Marchante H., Martinou A.F., Meyer S., Michin D., Montero-Castano A., Morais M.C., Morales-Rodriguez C., Muhthassim N., Nagy Z.A., Ogris N., Onen H., Pergl J., Puntila R., Rabitsch W., Ramburn T.T., Rego C., Reichenbach F., Romeralo C., Saul W.C., Schrader G., Sheehan R., Simonovi P., Skolka M., Soares A.O., Sundheim L., Tarkan A.S., Tomov R., Tricarico E., Tsiamis K., Uluda A., Valkenburg J. van, Verreycken H., Vettraino A.M., Vilar L., Wiig O., Witzell J., Zanetta A., Kenis M. 2019. NeoBiota, 44:1-25.

Guidetti P., Addis P., Atzori F., Bussotti S., Calò A., Cau A., Culioli J.M., De Lucia G., Di Franco A., Di Lorenzo M., Follesa M.C., Gazale V., Massaro G., Mura F., Navone A., Pala D., Panzalis P.A., Pusceddu A., Ruiu A., Cau A. 2019. Assessing the potential of marine Natura 2000 sites to produce ecosystem wide effects in rocky reefs: A case study from Sardinia Island (Italy) Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29: 537-545.

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Reeves B., Beccia M.R., Solari P.L., Smiles D.E., Shuh D.K., Berthomieu C., Marcellin D., Bremond N., Mangialajo L., Pagnotta S., Monfort M., Moulin C., Den Auwer C. 2019. Uranium uptake in Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin, accumulation and speciation. Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06380

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Bakiu R., Cakalli M., Korro K., Di Franco A., Guidetti P. 2018. Small-scale fisheries at an Albanian marine protected area: a collaborative attitude is associated with higher catches. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 10: 527–535.

Ben Lamine E., Di Franco A., Romdhane M.S., Francour P. 2018. Can citizen science contribute to fish assemblages monitoring in understudied areas? The case study of Tunisian marine protected areas. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200: 420-427.

Ben Lamine E., Guidetti P., Romdhane M.S., Francour P. 2018. Fish assemblages along the coasts of Tunisia: a baseline study to assess the effectiveness of future Marine Protected Areas. Mediterranean Marine Science, 19(1): 11-20.

Ben Lamine E., Di Franco A., Romdhane M.S., Francour P. 2018. Comparing catches and their economic values between commercial, recreational and illegal coastal fisheries: a survey from the southern Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 25: 456-463.

Bianchi C.N., Caroli F., Guidetti P., Morri C. 2018. Seawater warming at the northern reach for southern species: Gulf of Genoa, NW Mediterranean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(1): 1-12.

Bussotti S., Di Franco A., Bianchi C.N., Chevaldonné P., Egea L., Fanelli E., Lejeusne C., Musco L., Navarro-Barranco C., Pey A., Planes S., Vieux-Ingrassia J.V., Guidetti P. 2018. Fish mitigate trophic depletion in marine cave ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 8:9193.

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Di Franco A., Plass-Johnson J.G., Di Lorenzo M., Meola B., Claudet J., Gaines S.D., García-Charton J.A., Giakoumi S., Grorud-Colvert K., Hackrad C.W., Micheli F., Guidetti P. 2018. Linking home ranges to protected area size: The case study of the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation, 221: 175-181.

Fricke A., Pey A., Gianni F., Lemée R., Mangialajo L. 2018. Multiple stressors and benthic harmful algal blooms (BHABs): Potential effects of temperature rise and nutrient enrichment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131: 552-564.

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Jauzein C., Açaf L., Accoroni S., Asnaghi V., Fricke A., Hachani M.A., Abboud-Abi Saab M, Chiantore M., Mangialajo L., Totti C., Zaghmouri I., Lemée R. 2018. Optimization of sampling, cell collection and counting for the monitoring of benthic harmful algal blooms: Application to Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecological Indicators, 91: 116-127.

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Rouane-Hacene O., Boutiba Z., Benaissa M., Belhaouari B., Francour P., Guibbolini-Sabatier M.E., Risso-De Faverney C. 2018. Seasonal assessment of biological indices, bioaccumulation, and bioavailability of heavy metals in sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus from Algerian west coast, applied to environmental monitoring. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(12): 11238-11251.

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Stelzenmüller V., Coll M., Mazaris A.D., Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Portman M.E., Degen R., Mackelworth P., Gimpel A., Albano P.G., Almpanidou V., Claudet J., Essl F., Evagelopoulos T., Heymans J.J., Genov T., Kark S., Micheli F., Pennino M.G., Rilov G., Rumes B., Steenbeek J., Ojaveer H. 2017. A risk-based approach to cumulative effect assessments for marine management. Science of the Total Environment, 612: 1132-1140.

Taneez M., Hurel C., Mady F., Francour P. 2018. Capping of marine sediments with valuable industrial by-products: evaluation of inorganic pollutants immobilization. Environmental Pollution, 239: 714-721.

Vandenbussche P.S.P., Spennato G., Pierson P.M. 2018. Assessment of the use of Oblada melanura (L. 1758) otolith fluctuating asymmetry as environmental disturbance indicator. Marine Environmental Research, 136:48-53.

Vandenbussche P.S.P., Spennato G., Francour P., Pierson P.M. 2018. Validation of a simple and well-suited chemical cleaning method for fish otoliths. Acta Zoologica, 99(3): 258-262.

Vassalli M., Penna A., Sbrana F., Casabianca S., Gjeci N., Capellacci S., Asnaghi V., Ottaviani E., Giussani V., Pugliese L., Jauzein C., Lemée R., Hachani M.A., Turki S., Açaf L., Abboud-Abi Saab M., Fricke A., Mangialajo L., Bertolotto R., Totti C., Accoroni S., Berdalet E., Vila M., Chiantore M. 2018. Intercalibration of counting methods for Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecological Indicators, 85: 1092-1100.

Zupan M., Bulleri F., Evans J., Fraschetti S., Guidetti P., Garcia-Rubies A., Sostres M., Asnaghi V., Caro A., Deudero S., Goñi R., Guarnieri G., Guilhaumon F., Kersting D., Kokkali A., Kruschel C., Macic V., Mangialajo L., Mallol S., Macpherson E., Panucci A., Radolovic M., Ramdani M., Schembri P.J., Terlizzi A., Villa E., Claudet J. 2018. How good is your marine protected area at curbing threats? Biological Conservation, 221: 237-245.


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Bussotti S., Di Franco A., Pey A., Vieux-Ingrassia J.V., Planes S., Guidetti P. 2017. Distribution patterns of marine cave fishes and the potential role of the cardinal fish Apogon imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758) for cave ecosystem functioning in the western Mediterranean. Aquatic Living Resources, 30: 15.

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Cattano C., Calò A., Di Franco A., Firmamento R., Quattrocchi F., Sdiri K., Guidetti P., Milazzo M. 2017. Ocean acidification does not impair predator recognition but increases juvenile growth in a temperate wrasse off CO2 seeps. Marine Environmental Research, 132: 33-40.

Cheminée A., Pastor J., Bianchimani O., Thiriet P., Sala E., Cottalorda J.M., Dominici J.M., Lejeune P., Francour P. 2017. Juvenile fish assemblages in temperate rocky reefs are shaped by the presence of macro-algae canopy and its three-dimensional structure. Scientific Reports, 7: 14638.

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Giakoumi S., Scianna C., Plass-Johnson J., Micheli F., Grorud-Colvert K., Thiriet P., Claudet J., Di Carlo G., Di Franco A., Gaines S.D., García-Charton A., Lubchenco J., Reimer J., Sala E., Guidetti P. 2017. Ecological effects of full and partial protection in the crowded Mediterranean Sea: a regional meta-analysis. Scientific Reports, 7: 8940.

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Prato G., Thiriet P., Di Franco A., Francour P. 2017. Enhancing fish Underwater Visual Census to move forward assessment of fish assemblages: An application in three Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0178511.

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Taneez M., Hurel C., Marmier N., Lefèvre G. 2017. Adsorption of inorganic pollutants on bauxite residues: An example of methodology to simulate adsorption in complex solids mixtures. Applied Geochemistry, 778: 272-278.

Thibaut T., Blanfuné A., Boudouresque C.F., Personnic S., Ruitton S., Ballesteros E., Bellan-Santini D., Bianchi C.N., Bussotti S., Cebrian E., Cheminée A., Culioli J.M., Derrien-Courtel S., Guidetti P., Harmelin-Vivien M., Hereu B, Morri C., Poggiale J.C., Verlaque M. 2017. An ecosystem-based approach to assess the status of Mediterranean algae-dominated shallow rocky reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 117: 311-329.

Tiquio M.G.J., Hurel C., Marmier N., Taneez M., Andral B., Jordan N., Francour P. 2017. Sediment-bound trace metals in Golfe-Juan Bay, northwestern Mediterranean: Distribution, availability and toxicity. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 118: 427-436.

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Bentahar Y., Hurel C., Draoui K., Khairoun S., Marmier N. 2016. Adsorptive properties of Moroccan clays for the removal of arsenic(V) from aqueous solution. Applied Clay Science, 119: 385-392.

Calò A., Di Franco A., De Benedetto G.E., Pennetta A., Pérez-Ruzafa A., García-Charton J.A. 2016. Propagule dispersal and larval patch cohesiveness in a Mediterranean coastal fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 544: 213-224.

Cheminée A., Merigot B., Vanderklift M.A., Francour P. 2016. Does habitat complexity influence fish recruitment? Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(1): 39-46.

Di Lorenzo M., Fernandez T.V., Badalamenti F., Guidetti P., Starr R.M., Giacalone V.M., Di Franco A., D'Anna G. 2016. Diel activity and variability in habitat use of white sea bream in a temperate marine protected area. Marine Environmental Research, 116: 1-9.

Di Lorenzo M., Claudet J., Guidetti P. 2016. Spillover from marine protected areas to adjacent fisheries has an ecological and a fishery component. Journal of Nature Conservation, 32: 62-66.

Di Franco A., Thiriet P., Di Carlo G., Dimitriadis, C. Francour P., Gutiérrez N., Jeudy de Grissac A., Koutsoubas D., Milazzo M., Otero M., Piante C., Plass-Johnson J., Sainz-Trapaga S., Santarossa L., Tudela S., Guidetti P. 2016. Five key attributes can increase marine protected areas performance for small scale fisheries management. Scientific Report, 6: 38135.

Fricke A., Kopprio G.A., Alemany D., Gastaldi M., Narvarte M., Parodi E.R., Lara L.J., Hidalgo F., Martínez A., Sar E.A., Iribarne O., Martinetto P. 2015. Changes in coastal benthic algae succession trajectories and assemblages under contrasting nutrient and grazer loads. Estuaries and Coasts, 39(2): 462-477.

Giakoumi S., Guilhaumon F., Kark S., Terlizzi A., Claudet J., Felline S., Cerrano C., Coll M., Danovaro R., Fraschetti S., Koutsoubas D., Ledoux J.B., Mazor T., Merigot B., Micheli F., Katsanevakis S. 2016. Space invaders; biological invasions in marine conservation planning. Diversity and Distributions: 1-12.

Guidetti P., Magnani L., Navone A. 2016. First record of the acanthurid fish Zebrasoma xanthurum (Blyth, 1852) in the Mediterranean Sea, with some considerations on the risk associated with the aquarium trade. Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(1): 147-151.

Jauzein C., Fricke A., Mangialajo L., Lemée R. 2016. Sampling of Ostreopsis cf. ovata using artificial substrates: Optimization of methods for the monitoring of benthic harmful algal blooms. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 107: 300-304.

Karachle P.K., Angelidis A., Apostolopoulos G., Ayas D., Ballesteros M., Bonnici C., Brodersen M.M., Castriota L., Chalari N., Cottalorda J.M., Crocetta F., Deidun A., Ðoðo Ž., Dogrammatzi A., Dulcic J., Fiorentino F., Gönülal O., Harmelin J.G., Insacco G., Izquierdo-Gómez D., Izquierdo-Muñoz A., Joksimovic A., Kavadas S., Malaquias M.A.E., Madrenas E., Massi D., Micarelli P., Minchin D., Önal U., Ovalis P., Poursanidis D., Siapatis A., Sperone E., Spinelli A., Stamouli C., Tiralongo F., Tunçer S., Yaglioglu D., Zava B., Zenetos A. 2016. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (March 2016). Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(1): 230-252.

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Milazzo M., Quattrocchi F., Azzurro E., Palmeri A., Chemello R., Di Franco A., Guidetti P., Sala E., Sciandra A., Badalamenti F., García-Charton J. 2016. Warming-related shifts in the distribution of two competing coastal wrasses. Marine Environmental Research, 120: 55-67.

Pascual M., Rossetto M., Ojea E., Milchakova N., Giakoumi S., Kark S., Korolesova D., Melià P. 2016. Socioeconomic impacts of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Ocean & Coastal Management, 133: 1-10.

Piasecki W., Glabinski Z., Francour P., Koper P., Saba G., García A.M., Ünal V., Karachle P.K., Lepetit A., Tservenis R., Kizilkaya Z., Stergiou K.I. 2016. Pescatourism - a European review and perspective. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 46(4): 325-350.

Prato G., Barrier C., Francour P., Cappanera V., Markantonatou V., Guidetti P., Mangialajo L., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Gascuel D. 2016. Assessing the interacting impacts of artisanal and recreational fisheries in a small Marine Protected Area (Portofino, NW Mediterranean Sea). Ecosphere, 7(12): e01601.

Rattray A., Andrello M., Asnaghi V., Bevilacqua S., Bulleri F., Cebrian E., Chiantore M., Claudet J., Deudero S., Evans J., Fraschetti S., Guarnieri G., Mangialajo L., Schembri P.J., Terlizzi A., Benedetti-Cecchi L. 2016. Effects of geographic distance, water circulation and environmental conditions in shaping the biodiversity of Mediterranean rocky coasts. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 553: 1-11.

Romdhani A., Ktari M.H., Dufour J.L., Mahe K., Francour P. 2016. Growth and age estimation of the greater forkbeard, Phycis blennoides (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Phycidae), from the Gulf of Tunis (central Mediterranean). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 46 (1): 25-32.

Sahyoun R., Guidetti P., Di Franco A., Planes S. 2016. Patterns of Fish Connectivity between a Marine Protected Area and Surrounding Fished Areas. PLoS ONE, 11(12): e0167441.

Salomidi, M. Giakoumi S., Gerakaris V., Issaris Y., Sini M., Tsiamis K. 2016. Setting an ecological baseline prior to the bottom-up establishment of a marine protected area in Santorini Island, Aegean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, 17(3): 720-737.

Taneez M., Marmier N., Hurel C. 2016. Use of neutralized industrial residue to stabilize trace elements (Cu, Cd, Zn, As, Mo, and Cr) in marine dredged sediment from South-East of France. Chemosphere, 150: 116-122.

Thibaut T., Blanfuné A., Boudouresque C.F., Cottalorda J.M., Hereu B., Susini M.L., Verlaque M. 2016. Unexpected temporal stability of Cystoseira and Sargassum forests in Port-Cros, one of the oldest Mediterranean marine National Parks. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 37 (1): 61-90.

Thibaut T., Bottin L., Aurelle D., Boudouresque C.F., Blanfuné A., Verlaque M., Pairaud I., Millet B. 2016. Connectivity of populations of the seaweed Cystoseira amentacea within the Bay of Marseille (Mediterranean Sea): genetic structure and hydrodynamic connections. Cryptogamie, Algologie, 37(4): 233-255.

Thiriet P.D., Di Franco A., Cheminée A., Guidetti P., Bianchimani O., Basthard-Bogain S., Cottalorda J.M., Arceo H., Moranta J., Lejeune P., Francour P., Mangialajo L. 2016. Abundance and diversity of crypto- and necto-benthic coastal fish are higher in marine forests than in structurally less complex macroalgal assemblages. PloS ONE, 11(10): e0164121.



Asnaghi V., Thrush S.F., Hewitt J.E, Mangialajo L., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Chiantore M., 2015. Colonisation processes and the role of coralline algae in rocky shore community dynamics. Journal of Sea Research, 95: 132-138.

Buffet P.E., Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Poirier L., Lopes C., Risso-de Faverney C., Guibbolini M., Gilliland D., Perrein-Ettajani H., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2015. Cadmium sulfide quantum dots induce oxydative-stress and behavioural impairments in the marine clam Scrobicularia plana. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(7): 1659-64.

Bussotti S., Di Franco A., Francour P., Guidetti P. 2015. Fish assemblages of Mediterranean marine caves. PLoS ONE, 10(4): e0122632.

Chater I., Romdhani A., Dufour J.L., Mahe K., Francour P., Chakroun-Marzouk N. 2015. Otolith growth and age estimation of Pomadasys incisus in the Gulf of Tunis (Central Mediterranean). Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 45 (1): 57-64.

Di Franco A., Calò A., Pennetta A., De Benedetto G., Planes S., Guidetti P. 2015. Dispersal of larval and juvenile seabream: Implications for Mediterranean marine protected areas. Biological Conservation, 192: 361-368.
Di Franco A., Gianni F., Guidetti P. 2015. Mismatch in early life traits between settlers and recruits in a Mediterranean fish: Clue of the relevance of the settlement tail? Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 45 (2): 153-159.
Fricke A., Biancalana F., Tonicelli G., Berasategui A.A., Kopprio G.A., Gauna M.C., Parodi E.E. 2015. Insights into ecological and reproductive aspects of two cryptogenic peracarid crustaceans of the Argentinian coast. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 63(3): 194-206.

Giakoumi S., Halpern B.S., Michel L.N., Gobert S., Sini M., Boudouresque C.F., Gambi M.C., Katsanevakis S., Lejeune P., Montefalcone M., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Sanchez-Jerez P., Velimirov B., Vizzini S., Abadie A., Coll M., Guidetti P., Micheli F., Possingham H.P. 2015. Towards a framework for assessment and management of cumulative human impacts on marine food webs. Conservation Biology, 29(4): 1228-1234.

Guidetti P., Ghigliotti L., Vacchi M. 2015. Insights on spatial distribution patterns of early stages of the Antarctic silverfish, Pleuragramma antarctica, in the platelet ice of Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 38: 333-342.

Kara M.H., Ben Lamine E., Francour P. 2015. Range expansion of the invasive pufferfish Lagocephalus sceleratus to the southwestern Mediterranean. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 45(1): 103-108.

Kopprio G., Lara R.J., Martinez A., Fricke A., Graeve M., Kattner G. 2015. Stable isotope and fatty acid markers in plankton assemblages of a saline lake: seasonal trends and future scenario. Journal of Plankton Research, 37(3): 584-595.

Kopprio G.A., Biancalana F., Fricke A., Garzón Cardona J.E., Martínez A., Lara R.J. 2015. Global change effects on biogeochemical processes of Argentinian estuaries: An overview of vulnerabilities and ecohydrological adaptive outlooks. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 91: 554-562.

Meinesz A., Blanfuné A. 2015. 1983-2013: Development of marine protected areas along the French Mediterranean coasts and perspectives for achievement of the Aichi target. Marine Policy, 54: 10-16.

Mnif I., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2015. Direct injection method for HPLC/MS/MS analysis of acrylamide in aqueous solutions: application to adsorption experiments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(9): 6414-6422.

Parravicini V., Mangialajo L., Mousseau L., Peirano A., Morri C., Montefalcone M., Francour P., Kulbicki M., Bianchi C.N. 2015. Climate change and warm-water species at border ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology, 36: 897-909.

Rastorgueff P.A., Bellan-Santini D., Bianchi C.N., Bussotti S., Chevaldonné P., Guidetti P., Harmelin J.G., Montefalcone M., Morri C., Perez T., Ruitton S., Vacelet J., Personnic S. 2015. An ecosystem-based approach to evaluate the ecological quality of Mediterranean undersea caves. Ecological Indicators, 54: 137-152.

Rouane-Hacene O., Boutiba Z., Belhaouari B., Guibbolini-Sabatier M., Francour P., Risso-de Faverney C. 2015. Seasonal assessment of biological indices, bioaccumulation and bioavailability of heavy metals in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from Algerian west coast, applied to environmental monitoring. Oceanologia, 57: 362-374.

Scianna C., Niccolini F., Gaines S.D., Guidetti P. 2015. ‘Organization Science’: A new prospective to assess marine protected areas effectiveness. Ocean & Coastal Management, 116: 443-448.

Taneez M., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2015. Ex-situ evaluation of bauxite residues as amendment for trace elements stabilization in dredged sediment from Mediterranean Sea: A case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 98: 229-234.

Tessier A., Francour P., Charbonnel E., Dalias N., Bodilis P., Seaman W., Lenfant P., 2015. Assessment of French artificial reefs: Due to limitations of research, trends may be misleading. Hydrobiologia, 753: 1-29.

Vercouter T., Reiller P.E., Ansoborlo E., Février L., Gilbin R., Lomenech C., Philippini V. 2015. A modelling exercise on the importance of ternary alkaline earth carbonate species of uranium(VI) in the inorganic speciation of natural waters. Applied Geochemistry, 55: 192-198.



Asnaghi V., Mangialajo L., Gattuso J.P., Francour P., Privitera D., Chiantore M. 2014. Effects of ocean acidification and diet on thickness and carbonate elemental composition of the test of juvenile sea urchins. Marine Environmental Research, 93: 78-84.

Bermejo R., Mangialajo L., Vergara J.J., Hernandez I., 2014. Comparison of two indices based on macrophyte assemblages to assess the ecological status of coastal waters in the transition between the Atlantic and Mediterranean eco-regions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 26: 1899-1909.

Bodilis P., Louisy P., Draman M., Francour P. 2014. Can citizen science survey non-indigenous fish species in the Eastern Mediterranean sea? Environmental Management, 53: 172-180.

Buffet P.E., Poirier L., Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Lopes C., Amiard J.C., Gaudin P., Risso-de Faverney C., Guibbolini M., Gilliland D., Perrein-Ettajani H., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2014. Biochemical and behavioural responses of the marine polychaete Hediste diversicolor to cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QDs): Waterborne and dietary exposure. Chemosphere, 100: 63-70.

Buffet P.E.Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Châtel A., Berthet B., Métais I., Perrein-Ettajani H., Poirier L., Luna-Acosta A., Thomas-Guyon H., Risso-de Faverney R., Guibbolini M., Gilliland D., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2014. A marine mesocosm study on the environmental fate of silver nanoparticles and toxicity effects on two endobenthic species: The ragworm Hediste diversicolor and the bivalve mollusc Scrobicularia plana. Science of the Total Environment, 470-471: 1151-1159.

Colléter M., Gascuel D., Albouy C., Francour P., Tito de Morais L., Valls A., Le Loc’h F. 2014. Fishing inside or outside? A case studies analysis of potential spillover effect from marine protected areas, using food web models. Journal of Marine Systems, 139: 383-395.

Dallot C., Blanck O., Hilmi C., Bars R., Risso-de Faverney C. 2014. In vitro screening of thyroid function disruption: PC-Cl3 cell line, a promising tool., Toxicology Letters, 229: S137.

Di Carlo G., Di Franco A., Montefalcone M. 2014. Seagrasses: Advancing Mediterranean research from genes to seascapes (editorial). Aquatic Botany, 115: 1-2.

Di Franco A., Bulleri F., Pennetta A., De Benedetto G., Clarke K.R., Guidetti P. 2014. Within-Otolith Variability in Chemical Fingerprints: Implications for Sampling Designs and Possible Environmental Interpretation. PLoS ONE, 9(7): e101701.

Di Lorenzo M., D’Anna G., Badalamenti F., Giacalone V.M., Starr R.M., Guidetti P. 2014. Fitting the size of no-take zones to species movement patterns: a case study on a Mediterranean seabream. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 502: 245-255.

Fricke A., Teichberg M., Nugues M.N., Beilfuss S., Bischof K. 2014. Effects of depth and ultraviolet radiation on coral reef turf algae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: 73-84.

Guidetti P., Baiata P., Ballesteros E., Di Franco A., Hereu B., Macpherson E., Micheli F., Pais A., Panzalis P., Rosenberg A.A., Zabala M., Sala E. 2014. Large-Scale Assessment of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Effects on Fish Assemblages. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e91841.

Guidetti P., Parravicini V., Morri C., Bianchi C.N., 2014. Against nature? Why ecologists should not diverge from natural history. Vie et Milieu, 64: 1-8.

Kotwicki L, Deidun A, Grzelak K, Gianni F. 2014. A preliminary comparative assessment of the meiofaunal communities of Maltese pocket sandy beaches. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 150: 111-119.

Magnet C., Kuzhir P., Bossis G., Meunier A., Nave S., Zubarev A., Lomenech C., Bashtovoi V. 2015. Behavior of nanoparticle clouds around a magnetized microsphere under magnetic and flow fields. Physical Review E, 89: 032310

Marengo M., Durieux E.D.H., Marchand B., Francour P. 2014. A review of biology, fisheries and population structure of Dentex dentex. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 24: 1065-1088.

Mouneyrac C., Buffet P.E., Poirier L., Zalouk-Vergnoux A., Guibbolini M., Risso-de Faverney C., Gilliland D., Berhanu D., Dybowska A., Châtel A., Perrein-Ettajni H., Pan J.F., Thomas-Guyon H., Reip P., Valsami-Jones E. 2014. Fate and effects of metal-based nanoparticles in two marine invertebrates, the bivalve mollusc Scrobicularia plana and the annelid polychaete Hediste diversicolor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21(13):7899-912.

Prato G., Gascuel D. Valls A., Francour P. 2014. Balancing complexity and feasibility in Mediterranean coastal food-web models: uncertainty and constraints. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 512: 71-88.

Sabau A., Pipon Y., Toulhoat N., Lomenech C., Jordan N., Moncoffre N., Barkleit A., Marmier N., Brendler V., Surblé S., Giffaut E. 2014. Interaction of europium and nickel with calcite studied by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and Time-Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 332: 111-116.

Seytre C., Francour P. 2014. A long term survey of Posidonia oceanica fish assemblages in a Mediterranean marine protected area: emphasis on stability and no-take area effectiveness. Marine and Freshwater Research, 65(3): 244-254.

Thibaut T., Blanfuné V., Markovic L., Verlaque M., Boudouresque C.F., Perret-Boudouresque M., Maćic V., Bottin L. 2014. Unexpected abundance and long-term relative stability of the brown alga Cystoseira amentacea, hitherto regarded as a threatened species, in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 89: 305-323.



Arceo H.O., Cazalet B., Alino P.M., Mangialajo L., Francour P. 2013. Moving beyond a top-down fisheries management approach in the northwestern Mediterranean: Some lessons from the Philippines. Marine Policy, 39: 29-42.

Asnaghi V., Chiantore M., Mangialajo L., Gazeau F., Francour P., Alliouane S., Gattuso J.P. 2013. Cascading Effects of Ocean Acidification in a Rocky Subtidal Community. PLoS ONE, 8(4): e61978.

Azzopardi J., Deidun A., Gianni F., Gauci A.P., Angulo Pan B., Cioffi M. 2013. Classification of the coastal water bodies of the Maltese Islands through the assessment of decadal ocean colour data set. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65: 1343-1348.

Bodilis P., Crocetta F., Langeneck J., Francour P. 2013. The spread of an Atlantic fish species, Pomadasys incisus (Bowdich, 1825) (Osteichthyes: Haemulidae), within the Mediterranean Sea with new additional records from the French Mediterranean coast. Italian Journal of Zoology, 80(2): 273-278.

Buffet P.E., Pan J.F., Poirier L., Amiard-Triquet C., Amiard J.C., Gaudin P., Risso-De Faverney C., Guibbolini M., Gilliland D., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2013. Biochemical and behavioural responses of the endobenthic bivalve Scrobicularia plana to silver nanoparticles in seawater and microalgal food. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 89: 117−124.

Buffet P.E., Richard M., Caupos F., Vergnoux A., Perrein-Ettajani H., Luna-Acosta A., Akcha F., Amiard J.C., Amiard-Triquet C., Guibbolini M., Risso-De Faverney C., Thomas-Guyon H., Reip P., Dybowska A., Berhanu D., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2013. A mesocosm study of fate and effects of CuO nanoparticles on endobenthic species (Scrobicularia plana, Hediste diversicolor). Environmental Science & Technology, 47: 1620-1628.

Cheminée A., Sala E., Pastor J., Bodilis P., Thiriet T., Mangialajo L., Cottalorda J.M., Francour P. 2013. Nursery value of Cystoseira forests for Mediterranean rocky reef fishes. Journal of experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 442: 70-79.

Clement L., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2013. Toxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles to cladocerans, algae, rotifers and plants-Effects of size and crystalline structure. Chemosphere, 90: 1083-1090

Clément L., Zenerino A., Hurel C., Amigoni S., Taffin de Givenchy E., Guittard F., Marmier N. 2013. Toxicity assessment of silica nanoparticles, functionalised silica nanoparticles, and HASE-grafted silica nanoparticles. Science of the Total Environment, 450-451: 120-128.

Cohu S., Mangialajo L., Thibaut T., Blanfuné A., Marro S., Lemée R. 2012. Proliferation of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in relation to depth, biotic substrate and environmental factors in NW Mediterranean Sea. Harmful Algae, 24: 32-44.

Deidun A., Gauci R., Schembri J.A., Šegina E., Gauci A., Gianni F., Gutierrez J.A., Sciberras A., Sciberras J. 2013. Comparative median grain size assessment through three different techniques for sandy beach deposits on the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65: 1757-1761.

Di Franco A., Baiata P., Milazzo M. 2013. Effects of recreational scuba diving on Mediterranean fishes: evidence of involuntary feeding? Mediterranean Marine Science, 14(1): 15-18.

Di Franco A., Di Lorenzo M., Guidetti P. 2013. Spatial patterns of density at multiple life stages in protected and fished conditions: An example from a Mediterranean coastal fish. Journal of Sea Research, 76: 73-81.

Di Franco A., Qian K., Calo A., Di Lorenzo M., Planes S., Guidetti P. 2013. Patterns of variability in early life traits of a Mediterranean coastal fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 476: 227-235.

Guidetti P., Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G., Agardy T. 2013. Integrating pelagic and coastal MPAs into large-scale ecosystem-wide management. Aquatic conservation: Marine and Freshwater ecosystems, 23: 179-182.

Guidetti P., Petrillo M., De Benedetto G., Albertelli G. 2013. The use of otolith microchemistry to investigate spawning patterns of European anchovy: A case study in the eastern Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean). Fisheries Research, 139: 1-4.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Bataillard P., Séby F., Crouzet C., Moulin A., Guezennec A.G. , Hurel C., Marmier N., Battaglia-Brunet F. 2013. Arsenic in marina sediments from the Mediterranean coast: speciation in the solid phase and occurrence of thioarsenates. Soil & Sediment Contamination, 22(8): 984-1002.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Geret F., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2013. Batch and column studies of the stabilization of toxic heavy metals in dredged marine sediments by hematite after bioremediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(8): 5212-5219.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Hurel C., Géret F., Galgani F., Battaglia-Brunet F., Marmier N., Roméo M. 2013. Arsenic in marine sediments from French Mediterranean ports: Geochemical partitioning, bioavailability and ecotoxicology. Chemosphere, 90: 2730-2736.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Hurel C., Geret F., Roméo M., Marmier N. 2013. Comparison of mineral-based amendments for ex-situ stabilization of trace elements (As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni, Zn) in marine dredged sediments: A pilot-scale experiment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 252-253: 213-219.

Nikolic V., Zuljevic A., Mangialajo L., Antolic B., Kuspilic G., Ballesteros E. 2013. Cartography of littoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT) as a tool for ecological quality assessment of coastal waters in the Eastern Adriatic Sea. Ecological Indicators, 34: 87-93.

Nouira T., Risso C., Lassaad C., Budzinski H., Boussetta H. 2013. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in surface sediments from Monastir Bay (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean): Occurrence, distribution and seasonal variations. Chemosphere, 93: 487-493.

Papetti C., Di Franco A., Zane L., Guidetti P., De Simone V., Spizzotin M., Zorica B., Kec V.C., Mazzoldi C. 2013. Single population and common natal origin for Adriatic Scomber scombrus stocks: evidence from an integrated approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70(2): 387-398.

Pujolar J.M., Schiavina M., Di Franco A., Melia P., Guidetti P., Gatto M., De Leo G.A., Zane L. 2013. Understanding the effectiveness of marine protected areas using genetic connectivity patterns and Lagrangian simulations. Diversity and Distribution, 19: 1531-1542.

Sahyoun R., Bussotti S., Di Franco A., Navone A., Panzalis P., Guidetti P. 2013. Protection effects on Mediterranean fish assemblages associated with different rocky habitats. Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, 93: 425-435.

Salapare III H.S., Tiquio Ma.G.J., Ramos H.J. 2013. Superhydrophilic properties of plasma-treated Posidonia oceanica. Applied Surface Science 273: 444-447.

Seytre C., Vanderklift M., Bodilis P., Cottalorda J.M., Gratiot J., Francour P. 2013. Assessment of commercial and recreational fishing effects on trophic interactions in the Cap Roux area (north western Mediterranean). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23: 189-201.

Tessier A., Pastor J., Francour P., Saragoni G., Crec'hriou R., Lenfant P. 2013. Video transect as a complement to underwater visual census to study reserve effect on fish assemblages. Aquatic Biology, 18: 229-241.



Ansanay-Alex S., Lomenech C., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2012. Adsorption of nickel and arsenic from aqueous solution on natural sepiolite. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 9(3-7): 204-215.

Asnaghi V., Bertolotto R., Giussani V., Mangialajo L., Hewitt J., Thrush S., Moretto P., Castellano M., Rossi A., Povero P., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Chiantore M. 2012. Interannual variability in Ostreopsis ovata bloom dynamic along Genoa coast (North-western Mediterranean): a preliminary modeling approach. Cryptoganie-Algologie, 33 (2): 181-189.

Blanfuné A., Cohu S., Mangialajo L., Lemée R., Thibaut T. 2012. Preliminary assessments of the impact of Ostreopsis cf. ovata (Dinophycea) development on macroinvertebrates in the North Western Mediterranean Sea. Cryptoganie-Algologie, 33: 129-136.

Bodilis P., Cheminée A., Miniconi R., Arceo H., Francour P. 2012. Occurrence of the Atlantic species, Pisodonophis semicinctus (Osteichthyes: Ophichthidae), along the Mediterranean coast. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 652-654

Buffet P.E., Amiard-Triquet C., Dybowska A., Risso-de Faverney C., Guibbolini M., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2012. Fate of isotopically labeled zinc oxide nanoparticles in sediment and effects on two endobenthic species, the clam Scrobicularia plana and the ragworm Hediste diversicolor. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 84: 191-198.

Car A., Witkowski A., Dobosz S., Burfeind D. D., Meinesz A., Jasprica N., Ruppel M., Kurzydlowski K. J., and Plocinski T. 2012. Description of a new marine diatom, Cocconeis caulerpacola sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae), epiphytic on invasive Caulerpa species. European Journal of Phycology, 47: 433-448.

Cohu S., Lemée R. 2012. Vertical distribution of the toxic epibenthic dinoflagellates Ostreopsis cf. ovata, Prorocentrum lima and Coolia monotis in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 53: 373-380.

Di Franco A., Coppini G., Pujolar J.M., De Leo G.A., Gatto M., Lyubartsev V., Melia P., Zane L., Guidetti P. 2012. Assessing Dispersal Patterns of Fish Propagules from an Effective Mediterranean Marine Protected Area.PLoS ONE, 7(12): e 52108.

Faimali M., Giussani V., Piazza V., Garaventa F., Corrà C., Asnaghi V., Privitera D., Gallus L., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Mangialajo L., Chiantore M. 2012. Toxic effect of harmful benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis ovata on invertebrate and vertebrate marine organisms. Marine Environemental Research,76: 97-107

Lemée R., Chiantore M., Mangialajo L. 2012. Proceedings of the International Congress on Ostreopsis Development (ICOD, April 2011, France). Cryptogamie-Algologie, 33: 79-80.

Lemée R., Mangialajo L., Amzil Z., Blanfuné A., Chomerat N., Cohu S., Ganzin N., Gasparini S., Grossel H., Guidi-Guivard L., Hoareau L., Le Duff F., Marro S., Simon N., Nezan E., Pedrotti M.L., Sechet V., Soliveres O., Thibaut T. 2012. Interactions between scientists, managers and policy makers in the framework of the French project “Mediterranean Ostreopsis” (2008-2010). Cryptoganie-Algologie, 33: 137-142.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Geret F., Roméo M., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2012. Ex situ remediation of contaminated sediments using mineral additives: assessment of pollutant bioavailability with the Microtox solid phase test. Chemosphere, 86: 1112-1116.

Mangialajo L., Chiantore M., Susini M.L., Meinesz A., Thibaut T. 2012. Zonation patterns and interspecific relationships of fucoids in microtidal environments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 41: 72-80.

Morel J.-P., Marmier N., Hurel C., and Morel-Desrosiers N. 2012. Effect of temperature on the sorption of europium on alumina. Microcalorimetry and batch experiments. Journal of colloid and interface sciences, 376: 196-201.

Mouine N., Francour P., Ktari M.H., Chakroun-Marzouk N. 2012. Reproductive biology of four Diplodus species Diplodus vulgaris, D. annularis, D. sargus sargus and D. puntazzo (Sparidae) in the Gulf of Tunis (central Mediterranean). Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, 92(3): 623-631.

Pan J-F, Buffet P.E., Poirier L., Amiard-Triquet C., Gilliland D., Guibbolini M., Risso de Faverney C., Roméo M., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2012. Size dependent bioaccumulation and ecotoxicity of gold nanoparticles in an endobenthic invertebrate: The Tellinid clam Scrobicularia plana.Environmental Pollution, 168: 37-43.

Robvieux P., Videment J., Ribout C., Forcioli D., Meinesz A., Thibaut T., Bottin L. 2012. First characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellites for Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta (Fucales, Sargassaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 4(4): 923-925.

Sala E., Ballesteros E., Dendrinos P., Di Franco A., Ferretti F., Foley D., Fraschetti S., Friedlander A., Garrabou J., Güçlüsoy H., Guidetti P., Halpern B.S., Hereu B., Karamanlidis A.A., KizilkayaZ., Macpherson E., Mangialajo L., Mariani S., Micheli F., Pais A., Riser K., Rosenberg A., Sales M., Selkoe K.A., Starr R., Tomas F., Zabala M., 2012. The structure of Mediterranean rocky reef ecosystems across environmental and human gradients, and conservation implications. PLoS ONE, 7(2): e32742.

Sartoretto S., Francour P. 2012. New data on bathymetric distribution and growth rates of Eunicella verrucosa (Cnidaria: Gorgoniidae) along the Marseille coasts (France, Northwestern Mediterranean). Scientia marina, 76(2): 349-355.

Valls A., Gascuel D., Guénette S., Francour P. 2012. Modeling trophic interactions to assess the effects of a marine protected area: case study in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 456: 201-214.




Bodilis P., Seytre C., Charbonnel E., Francour P. 2011. Monitoring of the fish assemblages of the artificial reefs of Golfe-Juan marine protected area (France, the Northwestern Mediterranean). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (special issue CARAH), 59: 167-176.

Buffet P.E., Tankoua-Fossi O., J.F. Pan, Berhanu D., Herrenknecht C., Poirier L., Amiard-Triquet C., Amiard J.C., Bérard J.B., Risso-de Faverney C., Guibbolini M., Roméo M., Reip P., Valsami-Jones E., Mouneyrac C. 2011. Behavioural and biochemical responses of two marine invertebrates Scrobicularia plana and Nereis diversicolor to copper oxide nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 84: 166-174.

Cheminée A., Francour P., Harmelin-Vivien M. 2011. Assessment of Diplodus spp. (Sparidae) nursery grounds along Marseilles rocky shore (France, NW Mediterranean). Scientia marina, 75(1): 181-188.

Cohu S., Thibaut T., Mangialajo L., Labat J.P., Passafiume O., Blanfuné A., Simon N., Cottalorda J.M., Lemée R. 2011. Occurrence of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata in relation with environmental factors in Monaco (NW Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62, 2681-2691.

Forcioli D., Merle P.L., Caligara C., Ciosi M., Muti C., Francour P., Cerrano C., Allemand D. 2011. Symbiont diversity is not involved in depth acclimation in the Mediterranean sea whip Eunicella singularis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 439: 57-71.

Hussein C., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Pastor J., Ibrahim A., Saragoni G., Pelletier D., Mahévas S., Lenfant P. 2011. Assessing the impact of artisanal and recreational fishing and protection on a white seabream (Diplodus sargus sargus) population in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea using a simulation model. Part 1: Parameterization and simulations. Fisheries Research, 108: 163-173.

Hussein C., Verdoit-Jarraya M., Pastor J., Ibrahim A., Saragoni G., Pelletier D., Mahévas S., Lenfant P. 2011. Assessing the impact of artisanal and recreational fishing and protection on a white seabream (Diplodus sargus sargus) population in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea using a simulation model. Part 2: Sensitivity analysis and management measures. Fisheries Research, 108: 174-183.

Koeck B., Pastor J., Larénie L., Astruch P., Saragoni G., Jarraya M., Lenfant P. Evaluation of artificial reefs impact on artisanal fisheries: necessity of complementary approaches. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (special issue), 59: 1-11.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Hamer B., Roméo M., Géret F., Galgani F., Durmisi E., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2011. The toxicity of composted sediments from Mediterranean ports evaluated by several bioassays. Chemosphere, 82: 362-369.

Mamindy-Pajany Y., Roméo M., Hurel C., Marmier N. 2011. Arsenic (V) adsorption from aqueous solution onto goethite, hematite, magnetite and zero-valent iron: effects of pH, concentration and reversibility. Desalination, 281, 93-99.

Mangialajo L., Ganzin N., Accoroni S., Asnaghi V., Blanfuné A., Cabrini M., Cattaneo-Vietti R., Chavanon F., Chiantore M., Cohu S., Costa E., Fornasaro D., Grossel H., Marco-Miralles F., Masó M., Reñé A., Rossi A.M., Sala M.M., Thibaut T., Totti C., Vila M., Lemée R. 2011. Trends in Ostreopsis proliferation along the Northern Mediterranean coasts. Toxicon, 57:408-420.

Mermex Group, Francour P. (parmi 95 auteurs classés par ordre alphabétique). Marine Ecosystems Responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean. Progress in Oceanography, 91: 97-166.

Mondani L., Benzerara K., Carrière M., Christen R., Mammindy-Pajany Y., Février L., Marmier N., Achouak W., Nardoux P., Berthomieux C., Chapon V. 2011. Influence of uranium on bacterial communities: a comparison of natural uranium-rich soils with controls. PLoS ONE, 6(10): e25771.

Ni-Ni Win, Hanyuda T., Draisma S.G.A., Furnari G., Meinesz A., Kawai H. 2011. Padina ditristromatica sp. nov. and Padina pavonicoides sp. nov. (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae), two new species from the Mediterranean Sea based on morphological and molecular markers. European Journal of Phycology, 46: 327-341.

Vaugelas J. de, Leyendecker V., Leca H., Luc P., Riva J.C., Sabatier A., Souty-Grosset C. 2011. Use of smartphones (iPhoneTM, AndroidsTM, etc.) for the field identification of European crayfish. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 401(34): 1-6.

Zuljevic A., Thibaut T., Despalatovic M., Cottalorda J.M., Nikolic V., Cvitkovic I., Antolic B. 2011. Invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea makes a strong impact on the Mediterranean sponge Sarcotragus spinosulus. Biological Invasions, 13: 2303-2308.
Read more: Lab publication list (impacted journals 2011-2019; alphabetic order)