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Claudia Scianna - PhD
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Organization Science
Creation and administration questionnaires, sorting sediments and processing macrozoobenthos samples
+33 (0)4 92076833
+33 (0)4 92076849
I got my both Bachelor and Master Degrees at the University of Palermo. Successively I worked at the University of Lecce and then at the University of Santa Barbara, California. I started my PhD at Ecomers lab in October 2013.
With my PhD project, I am focusing on the organization and spatial design that can affect Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas ecological performance. A significant innovation of my project is a new approach in MPAs science, developed thanks to the interaction of two different disciplines: ecology and organizational analysis. My research will achieve the important result of improving the available scientific knowledge about the performance of Mediterranean MPAs and the different factors that may affect it.