Sylvaine Giakoumi - Researcher
Marine Community Ecology, Invasion Ecology, Marine Spatial Planning, Spatial Prioritization, Ecosystem-Based Management
UVC, Spatial ecology tools and software, Marxan
+33 (0) 4292076848
+33 (0)000000000

My research focuses on 1) understanding the processes that shape marine communities exploring species interactions and the impacts of human uses on marine ecosystems; and 2) developing marine conservation planning approaches and the spatial prioritization of conservation actions in the marine environment and across realms.

The two main axes of my research aim to inform policy and decision making on how to achieve effective and efficient conservation outcomes.



Giakoumi S., Pey A. Di Franco A., Francour P., Kizilkaya Z., Arda Y., Raybaud V., Guidetti P. In Press. Exploring the relationships between marine protected areas and invasive fish in the world's most invaded sea. Ecological Applications. 
Giakoumi S., Hermoso V., Carvalho S.B., Markantonatou V., Dagys M., Iwamura T., Probst W.N., Smith R.J., Yates K.L.,  Almpanidou V., Novak T., Ben‐Moshe N., Katsanevakis S., Claudet J., Coll M., Deidun A., Essl F., García‐Charton J.A., Jimenez C., Kark S., Mandić M., Mazaris A.D., Rabitsch W., Stelzenmüller V., Tricarico E., Vogiatzakis I.N. (2018). Conserving European Biodiversity across realms. Conservation Letters, e12586.
Giakoumi S., McGowan J., Mills M., Beger M., Bustamante R., Charles A., Christie P., Fox M., Garcia Borboroglu P., Gelcich S., Guidetti P., Mackelworth P., Maina J., McCook L.J., Micheli F., Morgan L.E., Mumby P.J., Reyes L.M., White A., Grorud-Colvert K., Possingham H.P. (2018). Revisiting “success” and “failure” of marine protected areas: a conservation scientist perspective. Frontiers in Marine Science5, 223.
Di Franco A., Plass-Johnson J., Di Lorenzo M., Meola B., Claudet J., Gaines S.D., García-Charton J.A., Giakoumi S., Grorud-Colvert K, Hackradt C.W., Micheli F., Guidetti P (2018). Linking home ranges to protected area size: The case study of the Mediterranean Sea. Biological Conservation 221: 175-181.
Stelzenmuller V., Coll M., Mazaris A.D., Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Portman M.E., Degen R., Mackelworth P., Gimpel A., Albano P.G., Almpanidou V., Claudet J., Essl F., Evagelopoulos T., Heymans J.J., Genov, T., Kark S., Micheli F., Pennino M.G., Rumes B., Steenbeek J., Ojaveer H. (2018). A risk-based approach to cumulative effect assessments for marine management. Science of the Total Environment 612: 1132-1140. 
Mazaris A.D., Almpanidou V., Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S. (2018). Gaps and challenges of the European network of protected sites in the marine realm. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 190-198.
Sala E., Giakoumi S. (2018). No-take marine reserves are the most effective protected areas in the ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 1166-1168.
Sala E., Giakoumi S. (2018). Counterpoint to Hilborn. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75: 1163-1164.



Sini M., Katsanevakis S., Koukourouvli N., Gerovasileiou V., Dailianis T., Buhl-Mortensen L., Dendrinos P., Dimas X., Frantzis A., Gerakaris V., Giakoumi S. et al. (2017). Assembling ecological pieces to reconstruct the conservation puzzle of the Aegean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 4: 347.
Saunders M.I., Bode M., Atkinson S., Klein C., Metaxas A., Beher J., Beger M., Mills M., Giakoumi S., Tulloch V., Possingham H. (2017). Simple rules can guide whether land- or ocean-based conservation will best benefit marine ecosystems. PLoS Biology 15(9): e2001886
Giakoumi S., Scianna C., Plass-Johnson J., Micheli F., Grorud-Colvert K., Thiriet P., Claudet J., Di Carlo G., Di Franco A., Gaines S.D., Garcia-Charton J.A., Lubchenco J., Reimer J., Sala E., Guidetti P. (2017). Ecological effects of full and partial protection in the crowded Mediterranean Sea: a regional meta-analysis. Scientific Reports 7: 8940.
Giakoumi S., Pey A. (2017). Assessing the effects of marine protected areas on biological invasions: A global review. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4: 49.
Katsanevakis S., Mackelworth P., Coll M., Fraschetti S., Macic V., Giakoumi S., et al. (2017). Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas with the MarCons Action. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 3: e11884.



Giakoumi S., Guilhaumon F., Kark S., Terlizzi A., Claudet A., Felline S., Cerrano C., Coll M., Danovaro R., Fraschetti S., Koutsoubas D., Ledoux J.B., Mazor T., Mérigot B.,  Micheli F., Katsanevakis S. (2016). Space invaders; biological invasions in marine conservation. Diversity and Distributions, DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12491
Salomidi M., Giakoumi S., Gerakaris V., Issaris Y., Sini M., Tsiamis K. (2016). Setting an ecological baseline prior to the bottom-up establishment of a marine protected area in Santorini Island, Aegean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, DOI: 10.12681/mms.1802

Pascual M., Rossetto M., Ojea E., Milchakova N., Giakoumi S., Kark S., Korolesova D., Melià P. (2016). Socioeconomic impacts of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Ocean & Coastal Management 133: 1-10.



Giakoumi S., Halpern B.S., Michel L., Gobert S., Sini M., Boudouresque C.F., Gambi M.C., Katsanevakis S., Lejeune P., Montefalcone M., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Sanchez-Jerez P., Velimirov B., Vizzini S., Abadie A., Coll M., Guidetti P., Micheli F., Possingham H.P. (2015). Towards a framework for assessment and management of cumulative human impacts on marine food webs. Conservation Biology 29: 1228-1234
Giakoumi S., Brown C.J., Katsanevakis S., Saunders M.I., Possingham H.P. (2015). Using threat maps for cost-effective prioritization of actions to conserve coastal habitats. Marine Policy 61: 95-102.
Tulloch V.J.D., Tulloch A.I.T., Visconti P., Halpern B.S., Watson J., Evans M.C., Auerbach N.A., Barnes M., Beger M., Chadès I., Giakoumi S., McDonald-Madden E., Murray N.J., Ringma J., Possingham H.P. (2015). Why do we map threats? Linking threat mapping with actions to make better conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13: 91-99
Katsanevakis S., Levin N., Coll M., Giakoumi S., Shkedi D., Mackelworth P., Levy R., Velegrakis A., Koutsoubas D., Caric H., Brokovich E., Ozturk B., Kark S. (2015). Marine conservation challenges in an era of economic crisis and geopolitical instability: The Mediterranean Sea case. Marine Policy 51: 31-19.



Tallis H., Adams V., Agostini V.N., Andelman S.J., Arkema K., Balvanera P., Ban N., Beger M., Benner R., Bennett E., Biggs R., Blanchette C., Boersma P.D., Botrill M.C., Brauman K.A., Bremer L.L., Brosnan D., Buchori D., Butt N., Capps K., Carrington E., Carwardine J., Chaplin-Kramer R., Coll M., Corrigan C., Cross M.S., Daily G. DeFries R., Di Fonzo M.M.I., Ehrlich A., Estrada Carmona N., Ferreira J., Foley M., Francis T., Fraschetti S., Fuentes M.M.P.B., Gaiser E.E., Garbach K., Gedan K.B., Gerber L., Gergel S.E., Giakoumi S. et al. (2014).Working together: A call for inclusive conservation. Nature 515: 27-28
Giakoumi S. (2014). Distribution patterns of the invasive Siganus luridus (Rüppell, 1829) and its relation to native benthic communities in the central Aegean Sea, North-eastern Mediterranean. Marine Ecology 35, 96-105.
Levin N., Coll M., Fraschetti S., Gal G., Giakoumi S., Goke C., Heymans J.J., Katsanevakis S., Mazor T., Ozturk B., Rilov G., Gajewski J., Steenbeek J., Kark S. (2014). Review of biodiversity data requirements for systematic conservation planning in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 508: 261-281.
Mazor T., Giakoumi S., Kark S., Possingham H. P. (2014). Large-scale conservation planning in a multinational marine environment: cost matters. Ecological Applications 24, 1115–1130.



Giakoumi S., Sini M., Gerovasileiou V., Mazor T., Beher J., Possingham H. P., Abdulla A., Cinar M.E., Dendrinos P., Gucu A.C., Karamanlidis A.A., Rodic P., Panayotidis P., Taskin E., Jaklin A., Voultiadou E., Webster C., Zenetos A., Katsanevakis S. (2013). Ecoregion-based conservation planning in the Mediterranean: Dealing with large-scale heterogeneity. PLoS ONE 8 (10): e76449.
Micheli F., Levin N.,Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Abdulla A., Coll M., Fraschetti S., Kark S., Koutsoubas D., Mackelworth P., Maiorano L., Possingham H. P. (2013). Setting priorities for regional conservation planning in the Mediterranean Sea. PLoS ONE8 (4): e59038.
Giakoumi S.and Kokkoris G. (2013). Effects of habitat and substrate complexity on shallow sublittoral fish assemblages in the Cyclades Archipelago, North-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 14 (1), 58-68.
Stelzenmüller V., Breen P., Stamford T., Thomsen F., Badalamenti F., Borja Á., Buhl-Mortensen L., Carlström J., D’Anna G., Dankers N., Degraer S., Dujin M., Fiorentino F., Galparsoro I., Giakoumi al.
(2013). Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas: A generic framework for implementation of ecosystem based marine management and its application. Marine Policy 37, 149-164.



Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S., Vassilopoulou V., Panayotidis P., Kavadas S., Issaris Y., Kokkali A., Frantzis A., Panou A., Mavromati G. (2012). Could European conservation policy benefit from systematic conservation planning? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22, 762-775.
Issaris Y., Katsanevakis S., Pantazi M., Vassilopoulou V., Panayotidis P., Kavadas S., Kokkali A., Salomidi M., Frantzis A., Panou A., Damalas D., Klaoudatos D., Sakellariou D., Drakopoulou V., Kyriakidou C., Maina I., Fric J., Smith C., Giakoumi S., Karris G. (2012). Ecological mapping and data quality assessment for the needs of ecosystem-based marine spatial management: case study Greek Ionian Sea and the adjacent gulfs. Mediterranean Marine Science 13 (2), 297-311.
Giakoumi S., Mazor T., Fraschetti S., Kark S., Portman M., Coll M., Steenbeek J., Possingham H. and Workshop participants (2012). Advancing marine conservation planning in the Mediterranean Sea. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 22 (4), 943- 949.
Giakoumi S., Cebrian E., Kokkoris G., Ballesteros E. and Sala E. (2012). Relationships between fish, sea urchin and macroalgae: The structure of shallow rocky sublittoral communities in the Cyclades, Eastern Mediterranean. Estuarine, Coastal and Self Science 109, 1-10.
Nicolaidou A., Alongi G., Aydogan O., Catra M., Cavas L., Cevik C., Dosi A., Circosta V., Giakoumi al. (2012). New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (June 2012). Mediterranean Marine Science 13(1), 162-174.



Giakoumi S., Grantham H., Kokkoris G. and Possingham H. P. (2011). Designing a network of marine reserves in the Mediterranean Sea with limited socio-economic data. Biological Conservation 144, 753-763



S. Giakoumi, M. Gacic, J. Mascle, A. Miliou, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara and V. Papathanassiou (2010). Scientific rationale for the proposed CIESM South Aegean Sea Marine Peace Park. Pages 75-86 in CIESM Marine Peace Parks in the Mediterranean - A CIESM proposal. No 41. In CIESM Workshop Monographs[F. Briand Ed.] 128 pages, Monaco.


Cours, résumé de PhD, etc.