MedPlage - observatoire méditerranéen du système plage - Posidonia oceanica face au changement global
seagrass; detritus; education; conservation and management
ECOSEAS, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Francesca Rossi
THALASSA Marine research and environmental awareness (
CSIL : Conseil Scientifique des Iles de Lerins (
CDMM : centre de découverte du monde marin (
NaturDive (
Fondation de France - APPEL À PROJETS 2019 - Les futurs du littoral et de la mer - Projet Emergent - 1 an (ECOSEAS 15000 €)
January 1st 2019 – December 30th 2019
- Posidonia oceanica is a fundamental specie for Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. As for other seagrass, it supports biodiversity and several ecosystem services
- Once leaves fall, they decay within the meadow or are washed ashore where they deposit as beach cast.
- Posidonia detritus can greatly contribute to the ecology of the beach as source of nutrition for beach shredders and decomposers or be washed back to the sea, where it can enter marine coastal food webs.
- In time, Posidonia detritus accumulates and forms the so-called “banquettes a posidonie that are important elements to protect beaches from erosion
- Posidonia beach casts are considered as beach nuisance and they are often removed to increase tourism
- The project aims at increasing the awareness about the importance of Posidonia detritus, with a special regard to education programs for students. It also aims at collecting empirical information about the fate and the ecological role of beach casts
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