Rodolphe Lemée, LOV, CNRS, UPMC, France
Virginie Raybaud, ECOSEAS, CNRS, UCA, France
Académie 3 “Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience”, IDEX UCA JEDI - Overall funding 15.000 €

February 1st 2017 – January 31th 2019
Large brown algae marine forests represent a key ecosystem, but are threatened by human impacts. As a consequence, regime shifts resulting in less complex communities are widespread. The entity, mechanisms and potential consequences of this phenomenon are still poorly known. For example, recent studies suggest benthic dinoflagellates blooms may be linked to the decrease in complexity of macroalgae, their preferred substrate.
The project CONVOST aims at assessing (i) the conservation state of marine forests in the Natura2000 sites, using models, (ii) the link between macroalgal community complexity (i.e. Cystoseria forests, turfs and barrens) and Ostreopsis blooms and (iii) verify the feasibility of producing Ostreopsis blooms risk maps, using a modeling approach. The project will be carried out in collaboration with local authorities in charge of Natura2000 sites management (i.e. Cote d’Azur metropolis, NCA, and Antibes Juan-les-Pins municipality).
The results of the CONVOST project will allow a better knowledge on the effects of human impacts on marine vegetation, and their potential indirect implications, potentially producing useful tools for the coastal zone management.