Le laboratoire ECOSEAS a participé au Village des Sciences des Championnats du Monde d'Apnée (AIDA 2019) qui ont eu lieu du 6 au 15 septembre à Villefranche-sur-mer (plage des marinières).

Les chercheurs et ingénieurs du laboratoire ont accueilli, sur le stand, des groupes de scolaires mais aussi le grand public pour leur faire découvrir l'environnement marin à travers des posters, des jeux et un grand aquarium. Ils leur ont présenté plus particulièrement leurs travaux sur les aires marines protégées, la pollution sonore en Méditerranée... et certaines espèces (réglementées ou d'intérêt patrimonial, commercial ou ludique).

Plusieurs membres et collaborateurs du laboratoire ECOSEAS étaient présents :
Prof. Paolo Guidetti, Directeur du laboratoire ECOSEAS
Eugenio Di Franco (doctorant)
Benoit Derijard (CR CNRS)
Jean-Michel Cottalorda (IGE UNS)
Simona Bussotti (CH Contractuel UNS)
Jean De Vaugelas (Chercheur associé)
Patricia Ventura (Thalassa)
Alexis Pey (Thalassa)


On June 15th and 16th 2019, in Nice, took place the ''Nice Cool & Verte'' event, a big abounding festival, organized in collaboration between a collective of citizens and associations, and on the other hand, the
Municipality of Nice.

''Nice Cool & Verte'' is a citizens' initiative event dedicated to positive, local and concrete solutions in response to questions raised by
climate change and environmental issues, their impacts on human societies and the global ecosystem. 

The ECOSEAS laboratory has taken part to this event to present part of its research topics such as:

- consequences of climate change on the distribution of Mediterranean and alien marine species

- impact of noise pollution on the marine fauna

- sustainable and artisanal fishing techniques and their impacts on biodiversity from antiquity to the present day

- the impact of noise pollution on marine life



Within the framework of the ANR project: “PAVIS: Assessing the relationships between marine protected areas and invasive species”, Sylvaine Giakoumi (PI of the project) collaborated with the comic artist Noot (http://pencilpixel.be) to produce an e-comic about Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and invasive fishes. The main objective of PAVIS was to 1) provide evidence on whether the restoration of high-level fish predator populations within Mediterranean MPAs can trigger a top-down control on invasive alien fishes, and 2) identify and prioritize management actions for the control of invasive species. The main findings of PAVIS suggest that MPAs alone are unlikely to control invasive fish populations and thus, additional management measures should be taken within MPAs and unprotected areas, such as the targeted removal of invasive fish for consumption or other uses. Another very important management action, identified by expert scientists who collaborated within the framework of PAVIS, is education and raising public awareness about biological invasions and their impacts on native species and communities. Our comic "PAVIS FISHTALES" contributes towards that direction. Enjoy!

PAVIS cover reduced


To download this e-comic (English version) click this link

To download this e-comic (French version) click this link

To download this e-comic (Italian version) click this link

(Tip: Pavis is a large shield of the late 14th through the early 16th centuries, often covering the entire body).

Read more: PAVIS FishTales: An e-comic about Marine Protected Areas and biological invasions