MEDAMP: Online database of the different categories of marine protected areas along the Mediterranean French coasts
Location of Mediterranean MPAs (including fishing regulations) along the French coast in 2014
The 22 French Mediterranean MPAs.
Marine protected areas, bathymetric range, categories of MPA, historical evolution, French Mediterranean coasts
ECOMERS /University Nice Sophia Antipolis
A. Meinesz

Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region (Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur

Regional Agency of Water (Agence Régionale de l’Eau

20 250 € global budget to ECOMERS.


September 1st 2015 – september 30th 2016

Along the Mediterranean coasts of France 46 MPAs have been created up to date (2014). Various categories can be distinguished :

  • 22 areas protected by regulations of fishing : 2 national parks, 3 natural reserves, 17 fishing reserves (not classified as MPAs in France)
  • 24 generally managed areas, without any specific regulation of fishing (23 sites Natura 2000 and 1 marine park, all considered in France as MPAs)
  • The project and the related on line dabase makes it possible to know the cover of each MPA. For each MPA or category of MPA, the cover of the concerned bathymetric range (0/-10 m; -10/-20 m; -20 m/-50 m; >-50 m) is available along with the linear projection along the coastline. The spatio-temporal evolution of protection (every 5 years) is presented.
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