Regional Direction of the French Ministry of Environment (Direction régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement) www.paca.developpement-durable.gouv.fr
Region Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur www.regionpaca.fr
Regional agency of Water (Agence Régionale de l’Eau http://www.eaurmc.fr/infos-pratiques/emploi.html)
36.000 € global budget to ECOMERS.

September 1st 2015 – April 27th 2017
Any land reclamation at sea radically changes or totally destroys underwater habitats, via creating (submerged or emerged) artificial structures or enclosing water bodies. Land reclamations are more and more frequent and important in size, and represent a major source of impact for many coastal shallow habitats. The point is that such habitat losses are irreversible. The assessment of the overall impact of land reclamation along the French coast has been undertaken on the basis of an exhaustive inventory of:
- the natural coastline (historical surveys prior to any reclamation) = 2 062 km.
- the original surface areas of shallow bottoms (historical surface areas: prior to any reclamation). The bathymetric ranges 0 to -10 m (807 km²)and -10 m to -20 m (1 688 km²)have been taken into account.
- all reclamation greater than 100 m² (= 979 harbors, landfills, dykes, breakwaters).
Situation in 2014 - Coastline ‘artificialized’: 228.31 km (11.10 %); Surface areas reclaimed between 0 et -10 m : 4 164.67 ha (5.16 % ) ; 0 / -20 m : 5 112.46 ha (3.03 %).