WWF-MedPO (Mediterranean Programme Office)
Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (France)
WWF (Mediterranean Programme Office) ( http://mediterranean.panda.org/ ) : 16 300 €
Agence des Aires Marines Protégées (France) ( http://www.aires-marines.fr/ ) : 20 000 €
Overall: 1st September 2015 – December 31st 2017
The Science Of Marine Reserves-Mediterranean project aims at improving the available knowledge and the social acceptance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean Sea.
These aims will be achieved by:
1) collecting and analyzing the existing and new (ecological and socio-economic) data on MPAs, using a bottom-up approach, throughout the entire Mediterranean Sea;
2) disseminating scientific results, and effectively and properly communicating the results of MPA science to different targets.
Expected results:
1) increasing cohesion within the Mediterranean scientific community;
2) increasing visibility of all actors involved in the promotion of marine conservation;
3) helping MPAs become more popular, get more social support and therefore become ecologically and socio-economically more effective.